Lucky Udu, a media celebrity, explains "why Apostle Chibuzor stopped sponsoring Happie Boys"

 The erstwhile viral security guards, Happie Boys, dropped out of school after

Nigerian cleric and philanthropist Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere quit funding their education, according to media personality Lucky Udu.

Remember how Apostle Chibuzor promised the young men a fully paid scholarship to continue their education in Cyprus after the story about them went viral last year?

The guys, however, struck a bombshell a few days ago when they revealed that they had left school owing to a lack of sponsorship. Many people were curious as to what had transpired between them and their benefactor after this disclosure.

Lucky has now clarified the situation after claiming to have discussed it with the cleric. He explained that Apostle Chibuzor could no longer afford to continue paying their fees in Cyprus because of the sharp increase in the dollar exchange rate.

He offered to help by having them go back to Nigeria, Ghana, or the Benin Republic so they could finish their education there, but they turned him down.

“I just spoke to the OPM pastor and he said that when dollar went up, things became difficult and he couldn’t sustain them, he adviced them to return to a Nigerian university or he sends them to Ghana or benin republic to continue their education. The burden became too much to bear but they didn’t understand nor listen.

“That man has too many responsibilities. Over 4000 students abroad. He send the children to school and then, the parents cater for their children. Unfortunately, not everyone can cope with such opportunities. Some will spend all their opportunities thinking the man will provide everything for them.

If their family can squeeze out something to sustain them, let them do so. I’m not judging those boys o but before the left Nigeria, they were dressing decently but after they left for Cyprus, they started dressing indecently and expensive when they fully know that they have no kobo compared to what the man of God can assist with. I feel for them sha.” Lucky shared.


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